Facade Grants
The Blissfield DDA/Main Street Program offers a local facade grant program for commercial buildings located within its DDA district.
Facade Grants

The Blissfield DDA/Main Street Program offers a local façade grant program for commercial buildings located within its DDA district. This program provides up to 50% in matching funds (a maximum of $5,000 a year for three years) for façade work done to buildings.
To obtain a copy of the grant application for buildings within the Main Street Area and Downtown Development Authority District, Click Here . Façade projects within both the Main Street Area and Downtown Development Authority District are subject to a historic preservation rubric ensuring that historic preservation principles are followed in the two districts.
For more information and to ensure your application is properly prepared, please contact DDA Director, Laura Nichols at 517-486-3642 or at mainstreet@blissfieldmichigan.gov
Blissfield Main Street
130 S. Lane St
Blissfield, MI 49228